Check out our All-Access Pass for even more speaker bonuses and benefits to elevate your brand awareness!

Interested in the All-Access Pass? Here’s the rundown…
The All-Access Pass allows you to make the most of your experience at the summit and afterwards! More often than not, when registering for a summit you plan to attend the entire event live, but things come up, so you miss a presentation or two and you need more than the standard 24-hour replay window to catch up. The All-Access Pass gives you extended access to all the sessions PLUS an incredible lineup of value-packed speaker bonuses!
All-Access Pass Pricing: $97 | $127
Pricing is only valid until the summit starts. Once the summit starts the All-Access Pass is only available at the regular price.
Make sure to grab your beforehand!

Pass Bonuses

Onboard Like a Pro: Solidify Your Process to Elevate Your Client Experience - $147 Value
A full course to help you create an onboarding process for your clients. With a solid onboarding process, your clients will feel loved, taken care of, and confident in you. You'll feel confident knowing you didn't miss a single step in getting ready to serve this new client.
Contributed by: Amber Monaco
LinkedIn Mini Course - $47 Value
Description coming soon!
Contributed by: Danielle Chylinski

Website Traffic Dashboard Mini Course - $67 Value
Would you like to know exactly where you should be spending your time and what marketing efforts are really worth putting your dollars behind? This website traffic dashboard allows you to make data-driven decisions to grow your traffic - without the tech overwhelm.
Contributed by: Donna Dube

1-month free access to the Fire Starter Club - $19/month Value
The Fire Starter Club is the membership for the Females on Fire community where you get access to our vault of trainings, templates, and resources to help you grow your business. You'll also have access to join monthly calls that feature guest speakers, Q+A sessions, co-working, and tons of networking opportunities. It's the best membership to start a fire under your business.
Contributed by: Hayley Luckadoo
30-Day FREE Access to The Collective - $288/Annual Value
Get 30 days FREE to try out The Collective - the focused online community platform made for solo-working women. We give you resources, shortcuts, and a way to connect other women just like you, so that you can propel into your purpose.
Contributed by: Jess Henning

5 Steps to Growing Your Audience with Online Giveaways Guide - $27 Value
Ever wonder how some coaches, creatives, and business owners attract hundreds of thousands of dollars of business, while countless others struggle to break past full-time? They use events like online giveaways that borrow other people's audiences so they can get in front of more people. With this guide you'll learn how to set up an online giveaway, so you never have to struggle to grow your audience.
Contributed by: Lynn Neville

Affiliate Marketing Magic - $97 Value
In this mini-course, we will be talking about how to get started with affiliate marketing as a passive revenue stream for service providers - there are actually 2 ways to generate affiliate marketing income. You'll also get a sneak peek behind my affiliate marketing results with a case study (or two!)
Contributed by: Tara Reid
Still have questions?
What are the ticket options for the Doer to Your Dreamer Summit?Great question! We have two ticket options for the summit, a free ticket and a paid All-Access Pass.
How should I record my presentation?You have full control on your presentation format. We recommend presenting with a slide deck* and recording yourself talking through the slides. Canva, Google Slides, Keynote, and PowerPoint are the common tools used for creating slide decks. You can record yourself in Zoom, Loom, or Streamyard. *Slide decks are included in the All-Access Pass and provide added value for attendees
How long should my presentation be?Presentations should be 25-35 minutes. Please stick to this time slot as the summit schedule is built around these times. For the full list of presentation guidelines, download the PDF below.
Am I allowed to promote an offer in my presentation?Yes, you may promote your free offer towards the conclusion of your presentation. This free offer must be the same one submitted through the speaker information form. Please keep the promotion to one slide and no more than two minutes.
Where do I submit my presentation?After uploading your presentation, slide deck, and worksheet (optional) to DropBox, Google Drive, Microsoft SharePoint, and/or Vimeo, please submit our presentation here. Note: Please make sure the download permissions are turned on. This is the only way we’ll be able to download your presentation and supporting material(s).
When is my presentation due?Presentations are due no later than Sept. 9. If you unable to meet this deadline, please let us know immediately.
Is there a speaker agreement?Yes! You will receive a speaker agreement to sign and return once you officially come on board for the summit. A fully executed copy will be shared for your records.
Will I be “live” during the summit?The summit sessions will be pre-recorded (including the panels), so you won’t need to worry about speaking live. We do highly recommend joining the chat/comments and engaging with attendees who are watching your session live. We will be hosting two live sessions per day – one networking and one speaker AMA – and while these are optional, we hope you’ll participate!
How do I join the live chat to participate in my summit session?You will receive an email with your direct session link before the summit along with a reminder the day of your session.
What are the promotion requirements?Promotion is key for the success of any summit! While we do not require you to promote the summit, we do highly encourage you to share with your audience. The speakers who promote pre-summit via email and social media tend to maximize their experience – increased visibility & credibility, getting attendees on their email list, and generating passive income as an affiliate. We will provide materials (social media graphics and swipe copy) for you to promote leading up to the summit. If you decide to share about your summit session, the promotional period is Sept. 19 - Oct. 11.
Do you have an affiliate program for the Doer to Your Dreamer Summit?Yes! Sharing is caring :) We love it when other business owners want to help us spread the word about the summit! Once you submit your form for the affiliate program, we’ll provide promotional materials for you to help share about the summit. You’ll earn a 40% commission on any All-Access Passes purchased through your affiliate link. If you decide to contribute to the All-Access Pass, your affiliate commission will go up to 50%.
I still have questions. Who can I contact?We get it, we’re thorough in our research too! Send us an email at and our team will get back to you/will happily answer any questions you have.